Instructions for the Web Portals

Welcome to the help system for using and administering the portals.

The collaborative Web portals are developed in a content management system called Plone.  Plone allows authorized members to update content and files on the portal without the need to request changes from the Web development team.  This Help portal provides an overview of the structure of a portal and covers the steps required to add and edit content.

In addition to editing content, Plone allows authorized members to manage users on the site.  Authorized members may register new users as well as control which content the users can see and whether they may add or edit content.  A User Registration Frequently Asked Questions page is available as a quick reference to assist in troubleshooting problems associated with registering users.

Portals are developed as private sites to promote collaboration between members of common studies, consortia, or research objectives.  Though the portals are secure and a valid login account is required to access the content, links to these portals should not appear on public sites.  Portal users are responsible for bookmarking or remembering the portal URLs in some other fashion.