Email Contacts

Contacts and Distribution lists have an additional feature that allows emailing a contact or group of contacts through the emails listed on the table or the Copy Emails to Clipboard button above the table.

  • To email a contact, click the email address of that person to open a new email message with the "To" field filled with that person's address.
  • To email a subset of or all contacts in the main Contacts List:
    1. Use the filter options to select a specific category/group of contacts, or leave blank to select all contacts.
    2. Click the Copy Emails to Clipboard button to copy the selected email addresses.
    3. Open a new email message and paste the addresses in the "To" field.


Email systems have a limit on the number of characters or addresses included in the send "To" field.  If the limit is exceeded, copy and paste the addresses into a blank document or Notepad, and then split the addresses into more than one group to email.